Saturday, November 28, 2015


I once shared this with a group of ladies in my former neighborhood. They were scared to try it because it has ketchup in it, but it is so yummy! Try it and let me know what you think.

I got this dressing recipe from Emily Lassen’s aunt at a family gathering the day of Dan and Emily’s wedding.  I thought it was a nice change from the regular spinach salad dressings.  Her recipe had only spinach, chopped hard boiled eggs and bacon pieces.  I can never leave well enough alone, so I add a few other things.  Use whatever amount to your taste. -Spex

Spinach (can do half and half with Romaine)
Chopped hard boiled eggs (I usually do three for a large container of spinach)
Cooked bacon in pieces
Sliced mushrooms
Avocados (one or two avocados cut in chunks)
Pine nuts (about 1/4-1/3 cup) sprinkle on top after adding dressing and tossing

  • 3/4 C sugar
  • 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • ¼ C apple cider vinegar
  • 1 medium yellow onion
  • 1/3 C catsup
  • 1 C vegetable oil (I use olive oil)
Blend together in blender (or I just shake in a covered plastic storage container).  This recipe makes a lot of dressing – enough for a large salad and maybe more for another time.

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